Posts tagged Redwoods
Wandering through the World’s Tallest Trees: Exploring the Redwood Forest

If you're planning a road trip through the Redwood Forest in Northern California, there are many stops and special trees along the way that you won't want to miss. Here are our favorite things to do in the Redwood National and State Parks. Plus find our recommendations for free campsites for vanlife near the Redwood Forest.

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8 Places To Go On Your First Visit to Yosemite

Here are 8 stops we visited that any first time visitor wouldn’t want to miss on a visit to America’s first protected park land! As always at the end of this post, you’ll find free camping suggestions near Yosemite.

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In Search of the Methuselah Tree: Visiting the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest

The second oldest tree in the world is located in the White Mountains in the Inyo National Forest of California. Somewhere within the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, there is a tree that was alive when the pyramids were built—the Methuselah Tree. While we were traveling along the California-Nevada border, we were hoping to pay a visit this 4,848 year old tree.

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